Support refers to providing assistance or help to someone who needs it. In the clinical context, we hope the below ticks many of the boxes for you?
Studies: This involves providing support via studies relating to many treatments protocols, ingredients and equipment and may involve troubleshooting, diagnosing problems, or providing instructions on how to use a product or service.
Understanding Aesthetics:Details on many protocols so you can understand them and make the right decision about utilizing them in clinic
Product Reviews / Demos: This involves providing fact from fiction on multiple products and equipment.
Presentations: This is where you presentations that have been seen at show events and webinars
Live Treatments: This is where you will find live treatment demos on all sorts of protocols and equipment
Round Table:This involves live honest and open discussions on a varied range of topics
Educational Videos and Webinars: A permanent and updated video gallery for you to view and refer to on many different treatment and subjects
Nutrition: An overview of nutrition, with the help of an industry nutritional guru
Lots of videos and webinars on a range of subjects related to the aesthetic industry
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